There are times in life individual should withdraw to their solidary to do what eagles do when they reach age 40. The race of life is not a 100meter dash. It is a marathon race that requires constant renewal of strength and energy unless such will just fade off from the race without finishing the race.

Eagles symbolize strength, bravery, courage, power and superiority. It is not surprising that it is also one of the largest birds in the world. However, this is not just vague as there are much more insights into an eagle that anyone can and should learn from.

According to research study, the eagle is said to have the longest lifespan of its species. It can live up to 25-70years, depending on its environment. Rebirth of new eagle from the old-self is a painful decision eagle has to make around age 40. According to the research study, when an eagle is about to reach age 40, its long and strong talons can no longer grab prey which serves as its food. Its long and sharp beak becomes very weak. It enviable heavy wing that help an eagle to soar higher become stuck to its chest and make it very difficult to fly. The research study establishes the fact that an eagle has two options at this phase of its life. Either to die or to go through a painful process of a rebirth of a new eagle from old-self and this will last for 150days.

The process requires that the eagle will fly to a mountain and sit on its nest. There the eagle knocks its beak against a rock until it falls off. After the beak falls off, the eagle will wait for a new beak to grow back and then it will pluck out its claws. When its new claws grow back, the eagle starts plucking its old feathers off. And after 150days (five months), the eagle takes its famous light of a new beginning. This is called rebirth of an old eagle. This will give an eagle to live further for 30years more. That is why eagle is an outstanding bird.

There are times in life individual should withdraw to their solidary to do what eagles do when they reach age 40. The race of life is not a 100meter dash. It is a marathon race that requires constant renewal of strength and energy unless such will just fade off from the race without finishing the race. We need to withdraw to a secluded place to review the past engagements in order to know our strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to our dreams in life. This will help us to re-strategize to plan for a fulfilled and fruitful future. A life without retreat will never produce the best of its kind. In order to be renewed like an eagle, there is need for the re-birth of you from old-self.

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