Future belongs to those who see possibilities before they become obvious. Even in the time of uncertainty, they believe good thing will definitely come out of it.

No matter what you have lost in life through someone’s error or your personal error; no matter the setbacks you have suffered in the past due to your background or unfavourable status; no mater heartbreaks you have suffered in the past due to any loss in life; no matter the ordeals of life you have experienced in the pursuit of your dream; no matter the discouragements you have suffered from the people you thought we encourage you; no matter backstab you have received from friends and loved ones; no matter who falsely accused you; no matter mental and emotional stress you have had in the past or now, never forget that you must forget the past and make room for the future.

Never give up on yourself. Never shut your mind against anyone you meet just because someone have betrayed you in the past. Future belongs to those who see possibilities before they become obvious. Even in the time of uncertainty, they believe good thing will definitely come out of it. God showed Joseph what He had ordained to him to be in life. He suffered first setback on his dream from his brethren. His coat of many colours was removed from him by his brethren and sold into slavery. His suffered another misfortune when his master’s wife lied against him. He was thrown into the prison for the offence he did not commit just because powerful people were involved. Every event around him was contrary to God’s ordained plan for his life. It seems every event around him was taking him far away from his dream. His dream suffered another setback when his friend that was set free from prison did not remember him. All his ordeals in life never changed his countenance. He was known as an encourager of others even in his present predicament. He never allowed his ordeals to corrupt his inner joy. He eventually became what God has ordained him to be in life. If he had committed suicide when everything was working against him, the dream will end with him in his grave. Why are you entangling in the chains of past losses, pains, delay, disappointments, and failure? Whatever you lose in the past, it is because you are meant to find something better. This cup will surely pass over you, a new dawn will surely break-forth, the beginning of a new thing. All you need to do is to forget those things which are behind and reach forward to those things which are ahead of you.

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