You should not be worried about how long you will spend in the waiting room of life, your focus should be what becomes of you after the wilderness experiences of life.

Everyone that has ever risen to stardom in life has passed through the waiting room of life. Everyone we are celebrating today has been through wilderness experiences. Behind every success story, there is ugly story many people may not know anything about.

The journey to your place in destiny may not be too far, but you must pass through many phases of life before you will get there. Some phases may be shorter, some may be longer. It depends on where you are going in life. Those phases are your waiting room of life. Sometimes refer to as wilderness experiences. Everyone desiring for a better place in destiny must be willing to pass through these phases of life. In fact everyone irrespective of your background, status, colour and language will pass through his or her waiting room of life. The waiting room is a place of divine surgery and it is a compulsory preparatory school for greatness. They are phases of life through which you are being broken down; being refined, being remoulded, and being reshaped. The waiting room helps us in developing godly characters; it strengthens us spiritually, physically, mentally and emotionally.

You should not be worried about how long you will spend in the waiting room of life, your focus should be what becomes of you after the wilderness experiences of life. Never allows the wilderness experiences to consume your purpose of life. Abraham spent years for Isaac to manifest. His waiting room experiences helped him to develop strong faith in God. Joseph waited for 17years for his dream to manifest. His waiting room experiences helped him to build a capacity of becoming Prime Minister in a foreign land. David passed through his waiting room before he was crowned king of Israel.

Never hurry out of your waiting room of life. Those who are not willing to pass through the wilderness experiences of life always end up in the valley of life. Be patient enough to learn lessons of life in your waiting room, never ignore every process you will ever pass through, try to build the right character in the process. Always remember that charisma can take you to the palace, but it takes godly character to sustain you there. Samson was endowed with physical strength from his mother. He did not pass through any waiting room experience. His strength was taken away from him on the lap of Delilah.

No matter how long your waiting room of life will be, be patient enough to learn lessons that will help you to build right characters that will sustain you throughout your lifetime.

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