No excuse is good enough to bail us from our past mistakes be it intentional or out of ignorance. Oftentimes we blame others for our predicaments. We shift blame to others for our misfortunes. We apportion blame to others for circumstances we find ourselves rather than taking the whole responsibility as a weakness from our own side. We embark on rational justification for our bail out.

But our existence in life is based on strict instructions we accept to shape our lives. Even the creation of earth was based on divine instructions from God. The instructions will follow determine the chain of events around our lives. This could be good or bad, considering the instructions we adhere to in our pursuit in lives.  Any times you suffer a loss, pause for some minutes, to ruminate on events around the loss. Make a critical analysis of it, to ascertain how, when and where you got it wrong. Then retrace your path to the right source of good and divine instructions, rather than looking for flimsy excuses.

Remember that every time you blame someone else or make excuses, you give away your inner power to make it right. Always be ready to take full responsibility.

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